Fees for Waverley Prep School
Waverley Prep School and Nursery in Wokingham provides a first-class education for boys and girls from Nursery through to Year 6. We are a co-educational, independent, day setting.
Waverley Prep School is ranked 'Best in Berkshire' as Waverley is the only school in Berkshire to have appeared in the Times Top 100 consistently for the past 12 years. These rankings are based on the academic results (SATS) of our Year 6 pupils. We are also currently ranked number 1 primary and Prep School in the Reading and Wokingham area based on our current SATA results of our Year 6 pupils.
Fees for Waverley Prep School
For the current fees for Waverley Preparatory School, please click here to be redirected to relevant page on our School website.
Admissions Information
For further Admissions process information, please click here to visit our Admissions page on our school website or contact:
Helen Jenkins
Head of Marketing, Admissions and Communication
Email admissions@waverleyschool.co.uk
Tel: 07768 708743